In der Ausgabe finden Sie:
- Poland looks to the orient
- CETA - THE aTLANTIC Trade Route
- Jack Ma - Chinese Billionaire
- 10 Top Business Destinations
+ Beilage: Film Terminology
In der Ausgabe finden Sie:
- See you in court. The World's most expensive divorces
- Top Economics Universities in Poland
- Dirty Secrets of International Airlines
- Twitter's King - Jack Dorsey
+ Beilage: Education
In der Ausgabe finden Sie:
- Theresa May
- The business of Beauty
- TransferWise: A Real-life Unicorn
- Albania - Full of Suprises
+ Beilage: Energy
In der Ausgabe finden Sie:
-Battle of the Titans
-Oh Canada!
-Desert Milk
-Up in the Air
+ Beilage: Hotel & Leisure Facilities
In der Ausgabe finden Sie:
-Australia A Continental Cornucopia
-Bill and Melinda Gates
-Tomorrow's Automobiles, Today
-Gold-The Magic Metal
-Managing the Fringe
+ Beilage: Health and Beauty
W numerze m.in.:
-San Francisco and Silicon Valley
-Tel Aviv- the City of Start-ups
-Cuba: The Curio of the Caribbean
-Google and the European Union
+ dodatek: Product Branding
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